Receive applications from truck drivers quickly and easily

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+200 companies already trust Transleads

As a trucking company, attracting qualified drivers that match your job requirements is difficult. Hiring at least 15% of all the applications you receive is even harder.

Drivers are getting tech-savvy, more connected and giving less and less attention to the constant bombardment from firms that are pushing more job offers to them. Also, IRU revealed a driver shortage of 21% across the freight transport sector in Europe. At present 30,000 drivers are leaving the profession each year, however only 2,000 people are receiving truck driving qualifications.

If you have tried to redo your job offerings, launched referral programs, advertised on job sites, worked with recruitment agencies but still failed to get results, do not worry! It’s not your fault…

There are a lot of services and tools out there that fall short to properly meet a trucking company’s needs…

More importantly, being an expert recruitment marketer and running a profitable trucking business at the same time is exceptionally challenging. Only a few can do both jobs effectively.

Know the feeling?

Sick of fishing in the same pond as your competitors.

Eager to find an affordable airtight solution to achieve the recruitment goals.

Tired of trying the same old methods that deliver mediocre results.

Annoyed with spending more money on recruiting while the company’s profit margin is constantly decreasing.

So, what can we do for you?

One thing for sure is that in order to build and grow your company you must be able to hire qualified drivers from a flow of applicants who show a clear interest in your company and the position available.

According to our case studies, results and more than 10 years of experience recruiting truckers:

The cheapest and most effective way to do this is with a something called driver matching system.

In order to run such a system, you have to have a massive and up-to-date driver database, a matching algorithm and effective communication channels with the drivers.

Driver matching is the key concept to our service.

Who are we and what makes us qualified?

We are a team of driven innovators and industry experts who spent the last 10 years working with trucking companies to develop recruiting solutions that work in several European countries such as in Ireland, U.K, the Netherlands, Germany and the CEE region.

If you let us do the work you'll finally be able to...

Automate 80%+ of all driver application flow.

Get a better return on your money spent within the recruiting process.

Pay only when you receive a driver application.

Control your recruiting budget and know how many applications you will receive.

Transleads is continuously supporting us with drivers since we’ve started to work together. We could even increase the number of our truck fleet. The campaign has resulted in 381 applications since the beginning of our cooperation.

– Peter Ambrozy, Operational manager @ Ewals Cargo Care

“Transleads helped us stand out from our competitors! They brought a new approach to our company by enhancing our job descriptions, improving our messaging, and matching all this with drivers who are most likely to be interested in what we offer. The result? We received more qualified applications, an increase in hire rate, and less costs by saving our recruiters tons of time.”
– Peter Szakal, CEO @ EuroDriverJobs

“Driver recruitment has never been easy, especially with the huge driver shortage, but with the help of Transleads, we can employ new drivers almost on a weekly basis. The campaign resulted in 706 applications within 5 months.

– Gergely Laurinyecz, Recruitment Specialist @ Gartner – “The World of Transport”

Instant Price Quote Calculator

Let us know your truck driver requirements with your recruiting budget and we calculate how many truck drivers will apply for your job.

The calculator will give you a fairly accurate estimation. The final rate may vary depending on your requirements.

After you filled the price calculation form, we will reach out to you within 24 hours.

Questions and Concerns

Who are we?

We are a team of driven innovators and industry experts who spent the last 10 years working with trucking companies to develop recruiting solutions that work.

What results can you actually expect?

The biggest ROI is a reduced cost per hire by utilizing Transleads to attract quality candidates that understand the job requirements and your organization. Moreover, you will be able to hire more drivers with the exact same resources as before.

How do you know Transleads will work for you?

A vast number of Trucking companies from all over Europe leverage solutions, technology, and data to hire drivers cost effectively. Our service is tailored specifically to your company needs by matching the best available drivers with your job offer.

How should you present this to your team?

We understand that Transleads is an innovative approach to talent attraction. We have worked hard to make Transleads a complete and easy to use system that will eliminate any heavy lifting needed from your recruitment team. In addition, we have a customer success team that will work with you to evaluate how Transleads aligns with your recruitment strategies.

How should you get started?

After you have filled the Instant Price Quote form, our team will begin to learn more about your specific driver requirements. We will reach out to the best matching drivers from our database and present them your job offer. From there, you only have to handle the flow of new driver applicants.

How much does it cost?

You can easily calculate how many driver applications you will receive based on your job offer and budget. 

Please use our Instant Price Quote Calculator above.

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